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Theory-name Neo-Liberalism/Institutional Liberalism [neoliberal instuitionalism]

Theory-Purpose Characterizations: 3 interpretations: interdependence among actors, international

society and anarchy

- reinterpretation of liberalism that posits even anarchic International system, states

will cooperate because of their continuous actions

Note For Neoliberal institutionalists, cooperation emerges because for actors having

continuous interactions with each other it is in the self interest to cooperate.

Institutions may affect the possibilities of cooperation but do not guarantee it. -ERI-KM


-Security is essential and institutions help make security possible

- Institutions provide a guaranteed framework of interactions.

- Democricies are pacific toward each other because norms and culture inhibit the

leaders.; leaders hear from a multiplicity of voices. Also transnational and international

institutions bind democracies together that dense networks which constrain behavior.

Possible to learn rules of Reciprocity "shadow of the future" - Behavior can be

learned to make negotiating smoother"

Regiems create "issue linkages" and "agenda setting"


Definition-power Power and interdependence

Interdependent system in which the actors are both sensitive [affected by} and

vulnerable to [suffering costly effects from} the actions of others. Power not fungable


Motivation-Actors Because it is in self interest to co-operate. Institutions provide the framework for

cooperative interactions-ERI-KM p285

Bounded Rationality, Shadow of future

Foreign-relations-internat-sys: cooperation emerges because for actors having continuous interactions with each

National-Interest because for actors having continuous interactions with each other it is in the self

interest to cooperate. Security is essential and institutions help make security possible








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